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midwestflippers Share
Not approved business
Supplier rank
Rating score: 470
Company overview
years in business
Year established: 2011
Location: United States

Supplier info

Hello! We are Charlie & Melissa and welcome to our store, MidwestFlippers. We own and Operate a full time Food Truck in our home town. We also love to find those rare forgotten about items buried deep within discount stores and yard sales. So many items end up in the landfill each year that we know someone would love to have in their lives. So in a way we feel we are rescuing items from being lost forever and help rehome them somewhere where they will be loved once again.If there is ever anything you are looking for and can't seem to find, perhaps we know where to find it and just have no idea it needs a new home. Please feel free to reach out via message on here, and we will gladly try to locate the item and offer you a great price on it. Thanks for stopping by!



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